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1/ 🙏 patients, investigators and funders for
@TROGfightcancer 13.01 SAFRON II trial at #ESTRO21. n=90 pts with 133 pulmonary oligometastases, across 13 centers in 🇳🇿+🇦🇺. Median F/U = 3 years, randomization for single (SF) 28Gy vs 48Gy in 4fx (MF). #radonc #LCSM @PeterMacCC Image
2/ No difference in SF vs MF. Both were safe (G3+ AEs were 5% MF v 3% SF), and effective - 2yr OS 85% MF v 88% SF (p=0.44), LC 83% MF v 73% SF (p=0.13). No diff. in DFS (median 13.2 MF v 14.3 SF, p=0.99). Mean time to systemic treatment ~29mo. SABR did not impact QoL measures Image
3/ Both SF and MF arms drove systemic immune activation
- ⬆️%CD4+FoxP3+ Tregs, ⬆️ %CTLA-4 and %PD-1 expressing CD4+, CD8+ and/or CD4-CD8- T cell subsets
- modestly ⬆️ % change of CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell subsets expressing PD-1 or TIGIT in the SF arm as compared to MF arm Image
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