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Liburan panjang (Juni - Agustus) sebentar lagi tiba. Kalian mau berlibur ke mana? Ke Bali saja.

Nih panduan bagi kalian yang mau flexing status sosial di Bali.

❌Islands hopping
✅ Fancy hotels hopping

#bali Flexing Hotel 🏨 (versi Bali...
Andaz ama Kempinski itu local favourites, orang Indonesia suka nginap di sana.…
Anda influencer norak tapi budget terbatas. No worry, I got you.

Kalian menginap di hotel ratusan ribu saja, tapi foto-foto di lobi di hotel tier atas. 🫡…
Read 4 tweets
A mega #Thread compiling some lesser known facts that will make us rethink the #HumanCivilization & the extent of #Bharat
Plz read & share 🙏

1/12 let's start with #Ramayan!
In Rishi #Valmiki narrates the description of #Lanka given by Shri #Hanuman as a beautiful country with ImageImage
chariots & vimanas. He also describes #FourTuskedElephant guarding #Ravan 's gates.
Now known as #Gomphothere , that roamed #Earth 19 million yrs ago! 🤯🚩

NO OTHER text in the world describes it!

In #Ramayan , #Sugriva sends #Vanar in 4 directions to look for Maa #Sita ImageImage
While sending, he describes #Geography as follows
World #Geography >170,000 years was different than present
many parts of Himalaya & big mountain in Kentucky ,USA were submerged in water

So here is the story in more scientific way 💁‍♀️

Team travelling to #east, will have to Image
Read 13 tweets
⭐️In #Germany, ‘Last Generation’ Climate Protesters Miss Court Date Because They Flew To #Bali😂
Two climate activists who blocked traffic in the German city of Stuttgart earlier this year missed their court date because they flew to Bali and Indonesia, for a round trip of 23,000 kilometers producing 7.9 tons of CO2 emissions.
In September 2022, Yannick S. and his girlfriend Luisa S., both members of the Last Generation activist group, blocked commuter traffic in Stuttgart.
Read 11 tweets
.#Bali ist nur ein Indikator!
Ein 🧵 über
-Einen makabren #Generationenkonflikt -Erkenntnisse die nur für andere gelten
-Privilegien bis zum Himmel
-Systemkritik ❌ Konsumkritik
-Einen Vorschlag für meckernde #Boomer 1/18
Vorab: ich persönlich finde jeden Spaßflug untragbar. Und erwartet dies auch von meinen Mitmenschen. Gerade dann, wenn sie angeben, dass sie die Bedrohlichkeit und Dringlichkeit der #klimakatastrophe verinnerlicht haben. 2…
Ein makabrer Generationenkonflikt:
2 junge Menschen erfüllen sich ein letzten Traum und Fliegen nach #Thailand. Deutschlands #Boomer rasten völlig aus und diskreditieren sie und alle anderen Aktivist*innen zu Doppelmoralist*innen. Die nicht enden wollende Aufregung darüber, 3
Read 18 tweets
Da #Bali/#LetzteGeneration gestern trendete und für viel Aufregung & Irritationen gesorgt hat, hier mit dem gebotenen Abstand ein paar Worte zur Einordnung: 🧵 Image
Die Irritation darüber, dass zwei Aktivisten der LG mutmaßlich nach Bali fliegen und Urlaub machen, statt an einem Gerichtstermin teilzunehmen, kann ich nachvollziehen. Aber mehr irritiert mich, wie selbst manche der Klimagerechtigkeits-Bewegung positiv gegenüberstehende
Menschen & Medien die beiden Aktivisten & die Gruppe #LetzteGeneration mit Häme & Hass übergießen. So schreibt selbst der von mir geschätzte @stephanpalagan, sie hätten "alle Häme dieser Welt verdient."
Read 13 tweets
Wenn rauskommt, dass Mitglieder von #LetzteGeneration mit dem Flugzeug fliegen, herrscht totale Empörung. Aber wenn rauskommt, dass Konzerne beim #Klimaschutz betrügen irgendwie gar nicht. Das finde ich falsch, deshalb kurze Erinnerung an zwei krasse Fälle aus den letzten Wochen.
Der Ölkonzern Exxon Mobil wusste seit den 70ern aus eigenen Studien, dass die Klimakrise eintritt und seine Aktivitäten dafür mitverantwortlich sind. Statt aber dagegen zu arbeiten, belog er die Öffentlichkeit jahrzehntelang, um seine Gewinne zu sichern.…
Jahrelang frisierten Konzerne ihre CO²-Bilanz mit Zertifikaten, die gar kein CO²- einsparten, darunter Gucci, Shell oder Disney. Jahrelang pusteten sie klimaschädliche Abgase in die Luft, während sie gleichzeitig sagten, es sei alles sauber.…
Read 4 tweets
Ich frage mich immer, warum man noch 2023 auf den gähntechnologischen Reflex-Muff der Boomer-Politik zurückgreift, wenn was scheisse gelaufen ist wie #Bali. Meine Pressemeldung hätte geheissen:

"Wir vestehen, dass es manche Menschen seltsam berührt, wenn KlimaaktivistInnen

...nach Bali fliegen. Gerade in unserer Bewegung hat das viele verstört und wir werden das gemeinsam aufarbeiten. Gleichzeitig bleibt unsere Botschaft nach aussen unverändert: Wir müssen das Klima retten und dies auch weiterhin mit unkonventionellen Mitteln. Wir und Sie haben

...dabei gemeinsam entdeckt, dass auch bei uns nur Menschen aktiv sind, die manchmal Dinge tun, die nicht konsequent oder der reinen Lehre entsprechen mögen. Sie kennen das sicher auch aus Ihrem Umfeld: Niemand ist perfekt, wir auch nicht. Unser Anspruch war nie, fehlerlos

Read 6 tweets
Mbak Tri Pembantu Tetangga Yang Genit Dan Binal [TAMAT]

Cerita ini di persembahkan untuk PutraR135 yang sudah sawer di

#Sangebanget #ceritapanas #viral #SANGE_AAAAAAAAAA
Siang makan nasi di #Bali bareng He is 10
Di kompleks perumahan ibuku, Tri terkenal sebagai pembantu yang genit, ganjen, centil dan sebagainya. Dia sering gonta ganti pacar. Tri baru berumur kurang lebih 22 tahun. Bodynya bagus, dengan payudara berukuran kira-kira 34C dan pantat bulat dan padat.
Yang lebih menggairahkan adalah cara berpakaiannya. Dia kerap mengenakan kaos ketat dan celana model ABG sekarang yang memperlihatkan pinggul dan pusar. Wajahnya cukup manis, bibirnya sensual sekali. Aku sering menelan ludah kalau melihat bibirnya.
Read 56 tweets
🔴 #RussianUkrainianWar

Un piège russo-américain pour #Zelésky

Excellent éditorial de Thierry Meyssan

Les développements sur le champ de bataille ukrainien et les événements du sommet du #G20 marquent un tournant important.

En discutant l'autre jour à Bruxelles avec le 🔽
chef d'un groupe du Parlement européen, que l'on dit ouvert d'esprit, il m'a dit à propos du conflit en #Ukraine qu'il est bien sûr complexe, mais qu'une chose est évidente : la #Russie a envahi le pays.
J'ai répondu en notant que le droit international exigeait de 🔽
l'#Allemagne, de la #France et de la #Russie qu'elles mettent en œuvre la résolution 2202 (du Conseil de sécurité de l'#ONU de 2015 pour appliquer les mesures prévues par les accords de #Minsk - A.P.), ce que seule #Moscou a fait.
J'ai poursuivi en leur rappelant leur 🔽
Read 36 tweets scagliava, @GiorgiaMeloni, contro il memorandum d'intesa con la #Cina (#ViaDellaSeta), sosteneva gli indipendentisti di #HongKong e #Taiwan, si diceva pronta a combattere non meglio precisate "ingerenze cinesi" in Italia, appoggiava completamente la…
linea di #Washington arrivando a sostenere "la politica imperiale cinese è la principale minaccia globale" (!). Ma, come #Scholz prima di lei, andrà a #Pechino nella speranza di concludere accordi vantaggiosi per le imprese italiane. Ha infatti accettato l'invito che le ha
rivolto #XiJinping durante il vertice del #G20 a #Bali.. Ben venga il pragmatismo! Sarà comunque divertente osservare le critiche che le verranno mosse dagli atlantisti "de sinistra" #Letta, #Quartapelle, #Romano ecc.ecc.ecc.
Read 4 tweets
SitRep - 16/11 - Time for Bavovna

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. A special look at all front lines and in particular the events and statements surrounding the #G20 summit in #Bali.

As usual we start with daily Russian losses based on the Ukrainian General Staff report. And captured and/or damaged equipment confirmed visually.

+630 men personnel
+10 tanks
+24 APCs
+10 artillery systems
+75 cruise missiles
A slight update on yesterdays missile attack on Ukraine. 89 aerial targets were shot down out of 100+ objects that were fired.

75x cruise missiles type X-101/555
2x cruise missile type Kalibr
10x Shahed-136 drones
1x unmanned ORION drone
1x unmanned ORLAN-10 drone
Read 25 tweets
Un piccolo capanello si crea attorno a #XiJinping e a Justin #Trudeau. Cosa sta succedendo a margine del #G20 di #Bali?
Chi conosce il presidente cinese sa che dietro quella maschera apparentemente sorridente si cela un moto di stizza.
Xi comprende l'inglese, ma per esprimersi preferisce il cinese mandarino. Questione di orgoglio nazionale, certo, ma non solo. C'è dunque un interprete a filtrare i suoi messaggi, ma il leader di Pechino afferra nitidamente le parole del suo interlocutore, non ha bisogno di
traduzione. È nervoso, impaziente, incalza Trudeau. E quando la telecamera si avvicina al punto da catturare uno stralcio del confronto, le sue parole appaiono come schiaffi in pieno volto per un canadese che è invece impegnato nel tentativo di mantenere il proprio aplomb.
Read 12 tweets
Se queste parole non vi ricordano qualcosa…allora è veramente è seriamente una infinita coincidenza?
Ma guardiamo “attentamente cosa è successo negli ultimi 3 giorni:
- Domenica attentato a #Istanbul che media all'interno della #NATO per il grano e per la pace in Ucraina con la Russia..
- Attacco dei missili in #Ucraina su tutto il territorio che parte dopo che #Zelensky al #G20
bolla le trattative di pace che andavano avanti da almeno un mese tra Russia e #USA..
- Caduta del missile/frammenti dopo che tengono la riunione del #G20 a #Bali le principali potenze, dove non è andato #Putin ma #Lavrov, così da poter dire che Putin è il mandante e aveva
Read 5 tweets
As #G20 leaders meet in #Bali they should start thinking about systemic reforms fit for the #polycrisis we are in.

Here’s a proposal I wrote for @CarnegieEndow

@adam_tooze @Noahpinion @davidmcw @MazzucatoM @HelenClarkNZ @GayleSmith @micksheldrick…
Here’s the #G20 communique.

Lots of warm words on climate and food insecurity but not much new.

From a quick read there’s nothing new on debt, some welcome language on @IMFNews Special Drawing Rights. Image
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 265 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Las Fuerzas Armadas ucranianas (#AFU) han modificado un camión comercial para convertirlo en lanzador de misiles Brimstone, como se puede ver en el siguiente vídeo.

🟥 Comparte🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 265 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, lunes 14 de noviembre de 2022.…
Read 49 tweets
#UnitedNations issues public guidance for Monday:
#UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session re: #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine at 10a Eastern

#Putin #Zelensky Image
US State Dept issues readout of Sec State #AntonyBlinken's meeting today in #PhnomPenh, #Cambodia, with #Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro #Kuleba.

#Russia Image
WH issues stmt from US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan re: #Russia's new missile strikes in #Ukraine:

"The [US] & our allies and partners will continue to provide Ukraine w/ what it needs to defend itself. ... We will stand w/ Ukraine for as long as it takes." Image
Read 134 tweets
US Dept of Defense issues stmt saying US is giving #Ukraine another security-assistance package, this one worth approx $400 million.

The stmt outlines what's included in the new security-assistance package.

#Russia ImageImageImage
WH issues stmt from US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson re: US Nat'l Security Council Advisor #JakeSullivan's meeting today in #Kyiv w/ #Ukraine's president, Volodymyr #Zelensky, & other Ukrainian officials, incl. the minister of defense, Oleksii #Reznikov.

#Russia Image
WH issues readout of #Biden's convo today w/ #Germany's chancellor, #OlafScholz.

They talked re: #Scholz's trip to #China as well as #Russia & #Ukraine, among multiple topics.

On Russia & Ukraine, they talked re: Russia's nuclear threats & continuing to support Ukraine. Image
Read 109 tweets
At time when #EU & #Transatlantic unity are key, @Bundeskanzler visit to Beijing — Moscow’s “no limits” friend — is bad for both. 🇩🇪is not only Europe’s biggest econ it’s also #G7 chair. A solo visit, (even a duo w/ @EmmanuelMacron), sends wrong signal 1/5 Image
The fact that visit is happening a few short weeks after #XiJingping secured third mandate to lead China🇨🇳 under an almost single-man rule is also the wrong message. Some say pragmatism, I say short sigthedness & narrow self-interest. In fact, meeting at margins of #G20 2/5
in 🇮🇩 would be the right
format. This would be even more pragmatic because: 1) it would show force & unity at challenging moment for #EU-#China relations, with a meeting w/ Xi bringing other #EU countries present 🇫🇷🇮🇹(🇪🇸🇳🇱 are invited) + 🇪🇺 @eucopresident & @vonderleyen. 3/5
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In cinemas today (23/9)..

#Chup (Hindi)
#DhokhaRoundDCorner (Hindi)
#PremGeet3 (Hindi/Nepali)
#IshqPashmina (Hindi)
#PeepalTree (Hindi)
#Vanshree (Hindi)
#Agnivedi (Hindi)
#ShinUltraman (Japanese)
#Avatar (Re-release ; English)
#KrishnaVrindaVihari (Telugu)
#Alluri (Telugu)
In cinemas today (23/9)..

#DongalunnaruJagratha (Telugu)
#Ikshu (Telugu/Tamil)
#Bedlight (Telugu)
#Trigger (Tamil)
#Rendagam (Tamil)
#Buffon (Tamil)
#Aadhaar (Tamil)
#Kuzhali (Tamil)
#Drama (Tamil)
#GuruShishyaru (Kannada)
#RajaRaniRoarerRocket (Kannada)
In cinemas today (23/9)..

#SwachaKarnataka (Kannada)
#Chattambi (Malayalam)
#KoshichayanteParambu (Malayalam)
#Ormmakalil (Malayalam)
#VellarikkaPattanam (Malayalam)
#Kartikeya2 (Malayalam dub)
#Neighbours (Marathi)
#Raada (Marathi)
#PreetAdhuri (Marathi)
#Criminal (Punjabi)
Read 6 tweets
Licht schudden in de stoel.
Geen paniek. Wel altijd weer even schrikken.
#earthquake #Bali
4.6 op schaal van Richter. Image
Read 4 tweets
**A 🧵 ON EARNING EXTRA USD $ FOR ANYONE IN #SRILANKA**. Hi everyone, so following up on my previous thread a few months ago, I thought I would write a new one on much simpler ways to earn some extra foreign income on the side.
As always, a small disclaimer. None of the methods I have mentioned here will probably make you enough money to survive on it as a lone source of income, however, it should act as a supplement to what you are earning + added bonus of it being in USD.
Most of the methods I have mentioned on this thread, I have learnt through people I met in #Bali who are digital nomads. Some use it as a supplementary source of income, but some actually SURVIVE completely on some of these means that I've mentioned.
Read 17 tweets
“Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi muslim yang lain, tidak halal bagi seorang muslim untuk menjual barang yang ada cacatnya kepada saudaranya, kecuali jika dia mejelaskan (kekurangan itu)”.
On frame :
Open Trip Bali Rp. 399.000/orang.
Berangkat periode sisa seat tinggal 15 & 29 Juli 2022 ya....

Cek detailnya di admin ya kak.
*PT Halo Batu Indonesia*

Read 6 tweets
🌺 ॐ ऐं ह्रीं सरस्वत्यै नम:! 🙏

Divine and Beautiful ‘Balinese Painting’ of Ma Saraswati, Devi of Music, Art, Wisdom and Knowledge, from Bali Indonesia.

#Balenese #Painting #Art #Bali Image
One of the largest temples of Ma Saraswati is in Ubud, Bali named Pura Taman Kemuda Saraswati. Amid Ubud’s striking landscape, the Pura Taman Saraswati Temple quietly invites Devotees out from the surrounding farms, rice paddies, and dense forests and into its mesmerizing grounds Image
Followers of Balinese Hinduism find solace in the temple as they dedicate their time in the divine structures that were built in accordance to the rules, style, guidance and rituals found in Balinese architecture.
Read 4 tweets
Sei mesi in politica sono un'eternità. Così appare ancora distante anni luce il #G20 in #Indonesia. Eppure già da giorni i leader internazionali coi loro team discutono della loro partecipazione in quel di #Bali, il prossimo novembre.
Il motivo di tante riflessioni? #Putin. Image
Il presidente indonesiano Joko #Widodo ha invitato al meeting il presidente #Zelensky. Atto non scontato: l'#Ucraina infatti non fa parte del Gruppo dei 20.
Ieri, però, ha anche composto il numero del Cremlino, per far presente a #Putin che la sua presenza è gradita. Image
Qui le versioni divergono. L'Indonesia sostiene che #Putin abbia accettato l'invito, Mosca tiene invece a precisare che sia "prematuro" discutere oggi delle modalità di partecipazione al meeting della #Russia.
Ma è ovvio che la presenza o meno di #Putin sia un fattore da Image
Read 7 tweets

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