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If you haven't heard and learned about CSRQ-SM software yet, your alt media or so-called resistance info source isn't what they want you to believe, they aren't on the side of the people. Period. It's that simple. And chilling. 🧵

We're a few steps away from their slogan "you'll own nothing..." to become reality‼ To eventually stop CSRQ - this Great Reset financial and social score software/system - to be deployed in our very near future, much more people would need to be aware of its existence‼ Image
Much more people would need to be aware of its existence, testing, about the classes within, and majority of Sovereigns already massively moving their fiat money onto their accounts with USDR currency. Mind blowing evil & bloody nightmare‼
Read 75 tweets
Robin Monotti enquiring about Article 6 of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
Article 6 of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
Why do you think the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) was formed in 2021?
I'll tell you why. 👇🏼

"The need to use human augmentation may ultimately be dictated by national interest."

In essence -
People will have to submit to the 💉 in the name of "National Security.
Read 10 tweets
1/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


2/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


3/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


Read 18 tweets

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